Saturday, May 26, 2012

Menyatakan Perbandingan (Degree of Comparation)

Biasanya dalam kehidupan sehari – hari kita sering membandingkan antara benda satu dengan benda yang lain, atau antara hal satu dengan hal yang lain. Misalnya :
Santi lebih tinggi daripada Sinta
Anak itu paling pandai di kelas kami.

Dalam Bahasa Inggris, kalimat perbandingan ini disebut juga Degree of Comparation. Ada beberapa ketentuan dalam menggunakan kaidah ini :
Menggunakan ” -er” to compare one syllable adjectives and adverbs as well as two-syllable adjectives ending in -y.
A cow is bigger than a cat.
My sister is smaller than your sister

Use more or less to compare most other adjectives and adverbs.
She is more beautiful than her sister.
Mathematic is more difficult than english
Catatan : Untuk better or worse
That’s a good movie, but this one is better.
I think that one is worse.

Use better and worse for comparisons with good or well.
Use as . . . as to show similarity
He’s as quick as his brother.
This chair is not as comfortable as that one.
Use the -est to indicate the superlative of one-syllable adjectives and adverbs as well as two-syllable adjectives ending in -y.
He’s the fastest man alive.
That’s the funniest clown I’ve ever seen.
Ben works the hardest of them all.
Use the best or the worst as the superlative of good or well.
This is the best deal I can offer you.
That was the best time I’ve ever had.
It was the worst dinner I’ve ever cooked.
I like this one (the) best.
Use the most + adjective/adverb to indicate the superlative of longer adjectives and adverbs.
Mathematic is  the most difficult exam for me.
she is  the most beautifully in my classroom.

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